Things have been quiet on here for a while. I'll be honest, for various reasons I wasn't very productive on the artwork front last year. However, I was travelling earlier this year and came back refreshed and inspired, so I have been working in the studio creating.
I have a show later on this year and was saving posting till nearer the time. Things as they are mean that may well not happen, and with many other shows either cancelled or likely to be I'm probably going to have plenty of studio time. There's not likely to be many places to show that work or for people to buy other than online.
The news now is quite depressing and we all need some relief, so I have decided to share some of these artworks now, along with some of my previous artworks and maybe some works of other artists. I hope that you enjoy this small break from the outside world and it inspires you to either be creative yourself or to support those you can.
This first work is from early last year. It made it to one show, but hasn't had the chance for a wider audience. This is a collage, mixed-media piece and seems appropriate as a first post in this series as we miss seeing loved ones. It's called 'Heart 2 Heart'.